Friday, February 14, 2014

Climate Change Key Indicators

Always useful to have data to hand (these are from NASA).

I used some of this material for motivation in a recent "masterclass" on "Globalisation and the environment" given to 16 and 17 year old school pupils thinking of going to University.

H/T: Chris Buckley [Chris Buckley 储百亮@ChuBailiang]

The website is more interactive.  These are just the headline figures. 

Everything seems to be going in the wrong direction except Arctic Sea Ice in 2012 (see next post).  No prizes for guessing which of these figures appears most often in the Daily Mail?

The first figure is an impressive time series.  The natural variation is clear and there are clear cycles although it is hard to see the current situation as part of a natural cycle....where will it stop nobody knows.

The vast majority of academics agree that there is a man made element to climate change. That does not make finding a solution any easier. 

Climate Change Key Indicators [NASA]

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